A more personal passenger experience

A more personal passenger experience

man enjoying a drink in an airplane

Integrating passenger communications, catering operations and onboard sales means you can better supply your flights. You can maximize every sales opportunity and deliver exceptional service, as well as reducing waste and overage costs.

In these digital days, we’re all getting used to more personalized experiences. Search engines know our preferences. Online retailers track our shopping, and streaming services manage our music and film libraries. Services are increasingly tailored to our needs.

So, it’s no surprise that passengers expect more personal service from their airline. They look for the right selection and connectivity – and they expect you to anticipate their needs.

As the lines between inflight services and passenger experience blur, better food and beverage sourcing, marketing, selection, loading, stowage and supply matters even more to the passenger experience.

But there’s no way to deliver a personalized service using manual systems and processes. You need to be able to react to real-time market changes and passenger requirements. Which means you need a solution that connects consumer data to the catering system and onboard sales. And these flows of information have to be tightly integrated and automated.

The future of airline catering will often mean a complete pre-ordering and pre-selection solution. Passengers will expect to choose the ideal meals, drinks and amenities for them. New technology enables them to make those choices – and airlines to deliver them.

This planning will improve processes for airline caterers too – an invaluable innovation as lead-times are always a challenge. In fact, technology enables efficiencies throughout the supply chain, as food and beverage vendors can give caterers more accurate count of their products.

Better data on the true demand will help both ensure product integrity, and open new opportunities for items that haven’t been included on flights before, because of issues with freshness or storage.

At gategroup, we never stop testing the latest technologies, and developing innovations that can deliver a genuinely personal experience for every passenger.

Google knows our preferences. Amazons tracks our shopping, and Spotify manages our music. Services are increasingly tailored to our needs.